July 5th….

We are adding an open game on Sunday July 5th to our schedule.  The two games will kick off at 12pm at Spencer Peirce Little Farm in Newbury and will feature members of clubs from around New England.  If you want to try your hand at playing come on down and check it out.  Lets hope July brings baseball weather.

If you have questions on the day contact Jim Champy of the Portsmouth Rockinghams at jchampey@comcast.net


The Worst Weather in 14 Seasons


Once again mother nature is not cooperating with the Essex Base Ball Organizations scheduled games.  We are going to try to schedule some sort of game for next Sunday July 5th but nothing is set in stone. The next official league games will be Sunday July 12th starting at 10am.

Games Off… Lunch On

Norman Rockwell

Unfortunately the weather is not looking like we can play baseball today so we have had to cancel the games today. Lunch is still on for those who have registered at 12 in the barn. We have a few lectures on baseball history planned and come learn more about Doc Adams and his push to get into the Hall of Fame.


We will push on….

Despite a forecast calling for a little rain on fathers day we are proceeding with the games. We have moved up the start time of the first game to 930-945 and will only be playing 7 inning games throughout the day. The lunch will happen regardless of the weather. Lets hope for sun.