2014 About to Kick Off

The 2013 season was a huge success for the Essex Base Ball Organization with the successful inaugural campaign of the Portsmouth Rockinghams and the start of the four team Essex Base Ball Association. Throughout the season the Lowell Baseball Nine held a commanding lead in the standings but the Newburyport Clamdiggers defeated the Lowell Nine in an epic battle in the championship game securing the championship jug and golden ball.

In 2014 the Clamdiggers are looking to again take the EBBA championship jug, but the Lowell Nine, Portsmouth Rockinghams, and Lynn Live Oaks hope to spoil their plans and drink from the championship jug this season. There have been a few additions to the league with the Lowell Nine welcoming back Ryan “Swifty” Sifferlen to their outfield and lead off position strengthening an already powerful line up. The only thing that could challenge the Lowell’s line up this season is that four members of the Nine will have or will be welcoming newborns to their families this season. The already powerful Clamdiggers have added an experienced ballist who played previously for the Bristol Blues. The Rockinghams after suffering a move to their captain Dave Leopardi halfway through the 2013 campaign have bounced back adding several new fine ballists to their roster. The Live Oaks have also adjusted their roster a little and look to improve on an extremely disappointing 2013 season. No one can guess who will win the championship but the season promised to be a memorable one.

There are one or two open spots in the league so if you have any interest in trying your hand at 1864 rules base ball come out at 12pm April 13, April 27, and May 4th for open practices.