Abridged 1864 Rules

* The pitcher delivered the ball underhand from 45 feet away, as opposed to the 60 feet 6 inches that pitchers today throw from.

* There were are called balls and strikes but calling balls and strikes is at the discretion of the umpire. If the umpire felt the batter was taking too many good pitches the umpire could call a striker warning then proceed to call strikes. If the umpire felt the pitcher was not delivering fair pitches he can call a hurler warning and proceed to call balls. After a warning there are 3 strikes for a strike out and three balls for a walk.

*On a walk all runners on base move up a base.

* Leading and stealing are allowed.

* There is only one Umpire. His decision is final and there is no arguing a call. (The Umpire was known to ask the “cranks” (spectators) their opinion before making a call.)

* Fielders did not wear gloves and an out could be recorded if the ball was caught on the first bound or on the fly either in fair or foul territory. Back then it was considered more “manly” for a player to catch it on the fly.

* A ball was determined to be fair or foul depending on where it first struck the ground. A “fair / foul” hit was a very effective way of hitting. This was executed by the batter who swung down on the ball causing the ball to hit in fair ground and then spin into foul ground

* Base Ball in 1860 was a sport of gentlemen and ladies, both Players and Cranks were and are expected to act in that way. Anyone who did not exhibit this behavior was and will be fined

One comment on “Abridged 1864 Rules

  1. […] an out; and that the hurler throws underhand. The EBBA passes out pamphlets at each game with the rules and terms of 1864 baseball. They also have an informative and well researched […]

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