Hurricane Irene…

Due to the hurricane we have had to cancel our games Sunday August 28th. The festival has been rescheduled to October 23rd. On October 23rd we are going to allow anyone who would like to play in the Essex County Vintage Base Ball League in 2012 a chance to try it out and see what they think of vintage base ball.

Next Game
September 10th Lynn Live Oaks @ Melrose Pondfielders

Woodstock of Newburyport

Come to Spencer Peirce Little Farm this Sunday and watch the Essex BBC, Lynn Live Oaks, and Melrose Pondfielders play a triple header. Game schedule 11am Essex vs. Lynn, 1pm Lynn vs. Melrose, 3pm Essex vs. Melrose. Admission for the games is $5 and Ipswich Ale will be selling their beer.

Game Canceled

Due to a lot of members of both the Melrose Pondfielders and Essex BBC being on vacation there are not enough players to play Sunday August 21st at Smolak Farm. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Check us out August 28th at Spencer Pierce Little Farms for a tripleheader starting at 11am.

Red Stockings Come to Town

The Cincinnati Red Stockings traveled to beautiful Spencer Peirce Little Farm in Newbury this past weekend to take on the Melrose Pondfielders and the Lynn Live Oaks. The Massachusetts boys took both games from the Ohio Nine. In the second game the Lynn Live Oaks won 12-4.

Sunday the Essex BBC took on the Red Stockings on the Boston Common and were victorious 17-5. The Red Stockings were great guys and I hope they enjoyed their trip out to Massachusetts.

Next Event.
Saturday August 20th the Essex Nine will be playing a 20 minute demo prior to the Lowell Spinners game at 4pm.

Experience Takes The Day

The Essex Nine traveled to historic Cooney Field in Beverly this past weekend to take on the Hingham Derbies. The Derbies being new to the vintage game were no match for the seasoned veterans of the Essex Nine. Both games only saw 7 innings of action but that was enough for the Essex Nine to win 13-1 and 14-2. We would like to thank the Hingham Derbies for making the trip up to play us. Photos from the game

Next Game
Saturday August 13th the Cincinnati Red Stockings make the trip to Spencer Peirce Little Farm in Newbury to take part in a triple header against the Melrose Pondfielders (11am), the Lynn Live Oaks (1pm), and the 3pm game will be played between the Mudville BBC and the Ipswich Brewers.

Sunday August 14th the Essex Nine will take on the Red Stockings at 12pm on the Boston Common